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Two Christmas Gifts

Updated: Jan 10, 2019

Merry Christmas! I hope you had a wonderful celebration of our Lord's nativity and incarnation. This week, rather than a new WayPost, I am sharing two gifts I created: a song for Christmas Eve and a sermon for Christmas Day. The song, Favor with God, wonders aloud about our own unworthiness, looking to Mary and Joseph for inspiration to allow God to create in our lives that which challenges or confounds. The sermon, The Unexpected Gift, goes deeper into the question of what to do with a gift you didn't see coming and aren't sure what its even for. You will find links to audio for both and lyrics to the song below.

I pray you enjoy the remainder of this Christmas season. I look forward to 2019 and following The Way with you. An exciting journey lies ahead and I can't wait to share it with you!

Christ's peace,


Favor with God: a song for Christmas Eve

The Unexpected Gift: a sermon for Christmas Day

Song lyrics: Favor With God by Rev. Rich Nelson

A messenger, was sent by God

To a young peasant girl named Mary

You will conceive and bear a child

The Most High’s Son you will carry

How can this be? It can’t be me.

I’m unworthy and afraid.

But let it be, let it be with me.

Just as you’ve said today

We don’t always have to understand

It’s not about being perfect or flawed

Do not fear, I’ve got your hand

You have found favor with God

In a dream, Joseph prayed

Lord, just what am I to do?

The answer came, do not fear

And trust that God will see you through

How can this be? It can’t be me.

I’m unworthy and afraid.

But let it be, let it be with me.

Just as you’ve said today

We don’t always have to understand

It’s not about being perfect or flawed

Do not fear, I’ve got your hand

You have found favor with God

They were neither the first nor last

To question the gift and what was asked

And anytime we find ourselves there

May we find the same answer to our prayer

How can this be? It can’t be me.

I’m unworthy and afraid.

But let it be, let it be with me.

Give me the courage to say

We don’t always have to understand

It’s not about being perfect or flawed

Do not fear, I’ve got your hand

You have found favor with God


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