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Dec 14, 20197 min read
An Imperfect Christmas
My Dear One, My post-Christmas plans this year are a bit unusual and they are making me appreciate the gift of Christmas all the more. On...

Nov 24, 20199 min read
following The Way into Citizenship
on the true nature of what binds us together My Dear One, Thursday morning I witnessed something truly profound. I found myself in an...

Nov 2, 20194 min read
Turning to Face the Sun
My Dear One, Here’s a fun and slightly embarrassing fact. Sometimes the sun makes me sneeze. It may sound funny but it’s true. It doesn’t...

Sep 28, 20196 min read
Midlife Awakenings
My Dear One, What was the first thought on your mind when you woke this morning? Did you take time to give God thanks for the gift of a...

Sep 20, 20194 min read
A Light in the Darkness
befriending the beast My Dear One, I love Johnny Cash. I have ever since I was a child, listening to a Cash record my dad had, that deep...

Aug 31, 20193 min read
following The Way to Lindisfarne
a reflection on "knowing when" in honor of the feast of St. Aidan My Dear One, Today, Aug. 31st, is the Feast Day of St. Aidan, a Bishop...

Aug 10, 20196 min read
The Gravity of God
There is an invisible force at work upon us all. My Dear One, Put on your thinking cap. Pop quiz: If you could take two objects, let’s...

Aug 3, 20195 min read
You Only Live Twice
Do we get more than just one chance? My Dear One, Was it worth it? Think for a moment about the last time you dared to do something...

Jul 12, 20196 min read
The Truth About Trees
My Dear One, This year, I have been fortunate to spend some time hiking in old-growth forests. These are forests where the trees have...

Jun 27, 20197 min read
A Prison in Eden
My Dear One, Half the people who live in Eden are in prison. At least that was the case during the 2010 census, when it was found that...

May 30, 20194 min read
The Problem with "Thin Places"
My Dear One, Two summers ago I was blessed to set foot for the very first time on Iona, an island off the west coast of Scotland widely...

Apr 5, 20198 min read
Are you ready for a "New Story?"
My Dear One, Last weekend, I attended the New Story Festival in Austin, Texas. It was the first year for this progressive Christian...

Mar 21, 20198 min read
Interfaith is now Imperative
My Dear One, My first real interfaith experience was in fourth grade. It was a field trip to a Muslim mosque. There was a boy in my...
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